
Install the Connector Module Clarobi for Magento 2


Before installing, it is recommended that you disable your cache in System -> Cache Mangement.

Update composer.json

To install, you'll need to be sure that your root composer.json file contains a reference to the Claro repository. To do so, add the following to composer.json:

"repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

The above can also be added using the Composer command line with the command:

 composer config repositories.claro vcs

Next, add the required package your root composer.json file:

"require": {
        "intelive/claro": "1.3.0"

You can also add this using the Composer command line with the command:

 composer require intelive/claro:1.3.0

Run Update

From the command line, run the composer update with the command:

 composer update

Run setup:upgrade

From the command line, run setup:upgrade with the command:

 magento setup:upgrade

Run di:compile

From the command line, run di:compile with the command:

 magento setup:di:compile

Run setup:static-content:deploy

From the command line, run setup:static-content:deploy with the command:

 magento setup:static-content:deploy


There are two ways to uninstall the module from Magento:

Automatic Uninstall (Note: Puts the store in maintenance mode until the process is finished):

From the command line, remove the code and database data related to the module:

 magento module:uninstall Intelive_Claro 

Manual Uninstall

Disable the Intelive module from magento:

 magento module:disable Intelive_Claro
 magento setup:upgrade

Remove the Intelive package from your composer.json and vendor folder:

 composer remove intelive/claro

Remove module data from the database:

  • Go to the table url_rewrite and remove any entries that match target_path LIKE '%intelive%'
  • Go to the table core_config_data and remove any entries that match path LIKE '%intelive%'
  • Go to the table setup_module and remove any entries that match module LIKE '%intelive%'