Tips for a Better Abandoned Cart Email

Sep 15, 2020

The beautiful thing about having analytical tools on your eCommerce platform is that you have the privilege of following up details of every customer to your site, their activities, conversion rate and even abandonment.

Sometimes you have visitors who add items to their cart and then abandon the process before making a purchase. This is usually of great concern to businesses. Although it is established that not all visitors to your site have the intention to make purchases, every business owner should still be reasonably concerned about abandonment rate. The issue of cart abandonment is quite alarming and continues to be on the increase.

Approximately 70% to 80% of all online shopping carts are not converted, which translates into about $4 trillion in sales. The good news, however, is that 63% of these abandonments are potentially recoverable. To address this leakage in your sales funnel, you may have to adopt an abandoned cart email strategy.

What is an Abandoned Cart Email?

Abandoned shopping cart email is a central component of eCommerce. It is an email sent as a follow-up to someone who abandoned the process of purchasing after adding an item/items to the cart. Abandoned cart emails serve as a reminder that the person did not complete the purchase of an item; you craft it to persuade the customer to come back and complete the process.

Almost all eCommerce businesses are adopting the same strategy trying to convince customers to come back to finish the process of purchase. Ability to gain the attention of a customer is a priceless skill. You, therefore, need to know a few tips to make your abandoned emails better.

Follow Right Timing: When it comes to recovering customers who had abandoned their shopping carts, timing is very crucial. You have to apply a sense of urgency. It is important to have an idea of the time and stage when the abandonment occurred. Once you have established this, you should be able to adapt your messages appropriately rather than send a generic mail.

This use of analytics further helps to underscore the importance of data-driven marketing strategy. You should be able to integrate analytics into your system or get a web tracking solution. Clarobi helps you to monitor customer behavior and track eCommerce data. We deliver to you behind the scene activities that are crucial to your decision-making process.

Irrespective of when the customer had abandoned the process, you must act and do so promptly. Your first email should go out within an hour of cart abandonment. If possible, the mail should get to the customer before he shuts down his computer.

Be Persistent: you should not stop at just one email. Study shows that it’s best is to send three reminders over three days after abandonment. Your first email should come off as a customer a support routine. You are not writing to sell here; you write to find out what challenge led to the abandonment.

After that, follow up with a second email only after 24 hours has elapsed. This time you inform the customer the need to act before the cart expires shortly, or inform him he risks losing the discount on the cart.

The third email follows in another 24 hours after the second email; you may choose to inform the customer of your promotional offer going on the product. Whatever you choose to do after this should be guided by a carefully thought-out decision in the light of your company’s image and not be seen as being too pushful.

Use Catchy Phrase: whatever you do, do not forget the purpose of sending email; it is to entice the customer to return to complete the process he had begun but abandoned. Be mindful of your wording starting from your title and opening. Customers are inundated every day with lots of emails, notifications, workplace emails, text messages etc.

According to statistical, roughly 293 billion emails were sent and received in 2019 alone. Some of these sent emails never got to be opened. considering how busy people are, you cannot afford to send another poorly written email to avoid being seen as ‘one of those emails.’ You must pay close attention to your subject line at all times.

Research has it that your subject line is related to the email open rates, so your message must be compelling, eye-catchy and creative. Cleverly crafted emails with the right subject lines have an open rate of about 47.67%, which is quite higher than the average. Besides making your subject line interesting, you also have to personalize the messages you are sending out.


Good customer recovery strategies are a great way to reduce the worries about an abandoned cart when you know what to do. The use of emails to follow up can be effective if they are not designed just like any other email out there that could lead to low click-through.

Ecommerce can be very exciting for business owners when it comes to engaging a customer, especially when you have the right analytical tools. Combining the right tools and strategies is something every business owner needs to master.